Friday 6 April 2018

My favourite character

I would have to choose Orion as my favourite character. He doesn't appear until near the end of the book but does feature throughout book two. His straight talk and sarcasm is what I like most about him. Orion is extremely powerful and dangerous and full of mystery. He has so much depth that it would take years to uncover and of course he's hotter than Hell. I had great fun creating Orion and watching him develop through the pages.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Who is the bad guy?

In the supernatural world there is always a bad guy and Forever Dark is no exception. Camilla faces many enemies through her journey but there is one that stands out from the rest. Marcel and Sage are Kitsunes and Camilla's unexpected arrival into the supernatural world has put a kink in their quest for power. The warriors that hunt them are formidable fighters but due to the Kitsunes immense power they are unable to even get close enough for the kill. As a Guardian, Camilla has that ability but her lack of knowledge and experience has the scales tipping in favour of the Kitsunes.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

In Forever Dark there is a mixture of Demons and other supernatural creatures that most are familiar with. We have the most popular shifters which consist of Wolves and Panthers that don't really need explaining. There's also the Undead or better known as Vampires and then there are Demi-Demons, Hellhounds, and Kitsunes.
I thought that I would give you a little insight into these lesser known creatures starting with the Demi-Demons.

Demi-Demons are rare immortal demon-human hybrids which are the result of unholy unions between two species. They appear quite human except for the brilliant crimson eyes. All have multiple fangs and lust for human flesh. They are extremely powerful and don't require sustenance to survive. They can easily devour a live human within minutes including the bones which allows them to call upon darker magic.

A Hellhound is a supernatural dog in folklore. They have glowing red eyes, super strength and speed along with ghostly or phantom characteristics. Hellhounds also have fire-based abilities and appearance. They undertake duties such as hunting souls and being protectors of the supernatural world and are also bringers of death.

The Kitsune can shapeshift and have magical powers. They can see and hear anything happening anywhere. They can possess a person, generate fire or lightning and manifest into dreams. They have the power of flight, invisibility and can create illusions. Kitsunes can have as many as nine tails which indicate their age and level of power. It is said that a Kitsunes soul is represented in the shape of a round white ball known as a Hoshi which can be found either in their mouth or carried on its tail and a Kitsune will die if separated from it for too long.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Camilla's weapon

 As Guardian's Camilla's parents had a whole basement filled with various weapons and on uncovering this she was drawn to one in particular, the Katana.

This weapon was used by the Samurai of ancient and feudal Japan. It has a distinctive appearance: a curved single-edged blade with a circular or square guard and long grip to accommodate two hands.
The Katana is well suited to combat where victory depends heavily on a quick draw and short response time which is definitely what Camilla needs given that her enemies hold immense power and agility.

Sunday 1 April 2018

Why I wrote this book

Forever Dark shows the struggles of a woman who was already at rock bottom. She's thrown into the deep end heaped upon with responsibilities and hit with a family history that she knew nothing about. Like their debts it is left to Camilla to continue in her parents footsteps whether she likes it or not. She makes selfless decisions and plenty of sacrifices and yes she has the odd moment of weakness but don't we all? Camilla is a classic example of someone who cares more about others than herself and is stronger than she thought she was. An inspiration to us all and that is why I wanted to write her story. There are many women who struggle with life and become stronger because of it. Obviously this book is fiction but it shows that no matter what is thrown her way she overcomes the obstacles because she has no other choice.

My writing Journey

What do you picture when you think of an author writing their book? A cosy office crammed with all their home comforts? Perhaps a seat by a roaring fire? Or even in a quiet conservatory with birdsong for inspiration.
My reality is far from this unfortunately. When I sit down to write my books its at the kitchen table. My background music is the washing machine (mine is extremely loud) and the kids running around the house interrupting me every five minutes with demands for food or help in dressing a barbie doll.
As you can see its far from glamorous and highly frustrating at times but I manage. We all overcome obstacles to get what we want and my writing is no exception.

Forever Dark poster

What do you think of my poster design for Forever Dark?